Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Note To Prospective Vignettologists

Vignettology can be a daunting study. One might be afraid to vignettologize, so here are a few strategies to make your vignette all it can be:

1) Remember that brevity is the soul of wit. A great vignette values concision over all else. Consider your words carefully, because you don't get a lot of them. Vignettology celebrates l'amour de la langue.
2) Write what you know. Life experiences are always the easiest to write about. Much like Seinfeld was a show about nothing, vignettes are stories about nothing.
3) Like in everything else, be yourself. You may read Vignettology thinking "I could never write like that." No one's asking you to. Write in your style, write how you talk, write poetically, whatever you choose, make it your own.
4) Nut up. Don't be afraid to be embarrassed. If you feel even the faintest spark of inspiration, go for it. If everyone were afraid to take risks, nothing would ever get done.

Most vignettologists have no formal training in creative writing, so don't let that stop you either. You can do it, we know you can do it.

So you've followed those simple rules and you have a shiny new vignette looking for a home, what do you do? You e-mail it to us, simple. vignettology at gmail dot com. Please include your name or preferred alias, and if you plan on writing more than one, please number them. If the Vignettology team deems it worthy, we'll publish it. If we deem it unworthy, we'll give gentle advice on how to optimize your vignette

Now get to it!
The Vignettology Team

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